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Gaby's Bakery - Mediterranean Egg Muffins

March 01, 2025

Gaby's Bakery - Mediterranean Egg Muffins

A short trip away from sweet this week with a moreish egg muffin. Michael is my normally obedient taster but wasn't responsive when I gently proffered one at him. "Taste this." I said. "I'm not in the mood for savoury and I've just brushed my teeth." he replied. So, using the broken-record negotiating technique learnt from my children, I persisted until he took a morsel, and then proceeded to devour two whole muffins. "They're good aren't they!" he chortled.

Mediterranean Egg Muffins

60ml milk
50g sundried tomatoes (chopped)
40g feta cheese (crumbled)
30g black olives (chopped)
10g spinach (chopped)
6 large eggs
½ tsp dried oregano
Salt & pepper

Preheat oven to 180c. Grease a 12-hole or two 6-hole muffins tray.

In a large bowl whisk the eggs, milk, oregano, salt & pepper. Add the chopped tomatoes, olives, spinach & crumbled feta (save a little to sprinkle on top).

Pour the mixture evenly into the prepared muffin tins and scatter the remaining feta on top. Bake for appx 18 mins, until the eggs are golden and firm to touch. Take out the oven and allow to cool.

The muffins can be eaten warm or cold and are also great refrigerated and eaten the next day.


 Gaby Van Clarke

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