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What Does Winning Mean for You?

July 09, 2024

British Hairdressing Business Awards

This week we were honoured with the title of UK Salon of the Year at the British Hairdressing Business Awards - our industry’s not quite as A-List version of the Oscars, but fun, glamorous and full of drama. 

It’s some time since we’ve been here, and yet despite still holding the record of 60 nominations, and 17 trophies over the years, this meant as much to me as our very first win in 2008. Possibly even more.

For me, winning isn’t just about beating others or coming first. More it’s about a journey of self development, continuous improvement, staying relevant in our professional field, and creating a more expansive future for myself and our team. I encourage all our team to enter categories of the main industry awards because  I know how much value it has for their own personal and professional progress.

Committing to a big goal also triggers a learning path for soft skills and self awareness which play a crucial role in this relationship with achievement.

Some of our team’s entries didn’t reach the final nominations. Three of our nominations didn’t translate to trophies🏆. But learning from failures is a powerful part of the development process, and winners have usually failed much more than average because they keep trying.

Michael Van Clarke

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